
BM supplement question (opinion)

Beckett is 4 months old. I have to supplement with formula since I have low supply after a reduction surgery. He was getting 6-8ozs a day so I was feeling pretty good about continuing BFing. In the last few weeks his demands have shot up and he is getting more like 12+ ozs of formula a day. I am taking everything- domperidome, fenugreek, tea, etc. so I think this is just the most milk I can make. I plan to stop BFing at 6 months. (*sob*) 

Here's my question. Should I start a freezer supply with the milk I pump while at work and after his bedtime so he can continue to have one bottle of breastmilk a day after I stop or should I just use the pumped milk as the supplement for now? Is the benefit better for him to have some breastmilk for longer or do you think it makes no difference?  

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