
9 week old latched for the first time since 1WO

My lo is exclusively fed breastmilk, which I pump.  I started EBFing, but after a week I decided it wasn't for me.  Not because I didnt enjoy it (his latch was good!  It was great to bond) but he is a sloooow eater, always has been and frankly with a DD (5 years old) it was hard to function with a baby constantly at the breast.

Fast forward to now.  Recently I've been feeling sad that I gave it up.  I always *wished* there was a way to MOSTLY EP but nurse when I had the time.  Well, last night he woke for a feeding at 4am, and was happy as a clam, not ready for bed.  I laid down with him on my chest to try and get him to doze.  he kept rooting and rooting, the paci didnt sooth him and he didnt want the bottle.  He wasnt fussy but just "searching".  I decided to lay him next to me, and let him try to latch on if he wanted to.  And boy did was mostly confort sucking, but he latched and sucked for a good 40 minutes until he finally dozed. 

Do you think this means I should/could try to reintroduce breast feeding?  I am now back to work and again time is limited.  I dont have an hour+ to feed him most of the time (as it is it takes him 40 minutes or so for a bottle, anyway).  But again, id love to be able to offer the breast when circumstances allow.


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