Baltimore Babies

A doc you like versus hospital

Hi Gang!


Im already in a little bit of a quandary. And looking for some advice.


Right now, my OBGYN is through St Joe's Hospital. and I LOVE him. I adore him. He's been my regular GYN since I moved here a couple years ago, and saw me through a cold knife conization (he did the surgery) and he took great care of me. 

My dilema comes in, that I want to have my baby at a different hospital due to where Mr Pirate works (he works in the ER at a different hospital). 

What do I do? We have friends who recently delivered at the hospital I want to be at, and they gave me the name of the OB they used. 

I have a WICKED phobia of hospitals due to a freak accident I encountered during surgery when I was 16. (Basically- I had my adenoids out, and came out with a 4" 2nd/3rd degree burn in the middle of my back and spent 9 months seeing a plastic surgeon to correct it. I still have a huge scar from it.) So I do not do well in hospitals. 

I really want to be at Mr Pirates hospital because I know LOTS of the nurses and staff, and that would be such a comfort to me. 

 Should I just start seeing the OB our friends recommended? Or should I see my usual guy first?

(and distance is not a factor. The hospitals are practically across the street from each other. Seriously. One stoplight apart.

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