3rd Trimester

Cord Blood Donation

Hey everyone,

I wanted to pass along some important information. My DH and I decided that we did not want to store our baby's cord blood. We found out if you're not storing it for yourself, it can be donated to a "public" cord blood bank (just like when you donate blood). I'm kind of surprised the doctors don't push this more because if you don't keep the cord blood, it just gets thrown out. Seems like a waste.

Anyways, here is the website I was given to request a kit to donate the cord blood: www.givcord.org

Basically, you request a kit (fill out some paperwork online) and a kit is sent to your home. Then you just pack the kit in your hospital bag and give it to the nurse when you go in to have the baby. I have a friend who did it and she said it was simple. If you're too close to your due date to wait a few weeks, you can call and expedite the process by doing it over the phone.

Pass along this info so we can build up a nice cord blood bank for those who need it!

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