3rd Trimester

I haven't posted in a long while...

But I didn't know where else to take this. Im 32 weeks, 5 days and just got released from the hospital. I went in for excessive pain in my ribs that shot up to my shoulders. Turns out, I have developed high blood pressure in the past few weeks. Also, protein in my urine! Nothing came back high enough to diagnose pre eclampsia, but they told me it's "pre" pre eclampsia. If I wouldn't have gone in, I would be having alot more issues. But now I'm on bed rest until 3738 weeks and will then be induced if she doesn't come naturally before then. This is my first pregnancy and it's not going at all how I imagined it would. I'm so upset. I just had to get this out because my "oh so supportive" family won't listen, and there's no babys dad around. Has anyone had to be on bed rest for so long? What did you do to pass the time?
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