3rd Trimester

New to the boards - 28 weeks with baby #3

Hi everyone!  I am new to the message boards.  I am currently 28 weeks pregnant with baby boy #3.  My other two are 3 1/2 and 22 months.  I have had C-sections for both prior pregnancies, so I am already scheduled for a third c-section for this little darling. I work full-time with special needs preschool kids, but I am hoping to stay home after this baby.

So far this has been my easiest pregnancy yet (I hope I'm not jinxing myself!).  I have been staying active and exercising, along with eating better.  I really think that has made a difference this time around.  I'm starting to slow down now as I am getting more tired and uncomfortable.  I have had a lot of soreness in my inner thighs, and I don't remember this happening before. I'm not worried about it, just curious to see if anyone else has been having this as well.

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