
Baby falls asleep INSTANTLY

Ok. I don't know what else to do. This could be a really long post so ill try to shorten it.
Alivia was born 1214, vaginal, right on my chest, latched on about 45 mins after birth.
Started getting bruised nipples while in hospital. Saw to LC while there. Said her suck is perfect, latch looked good.
Didn't gain weight back by one week check up.
Still had issues so went back to hospital to see LC. Weight still wasn't up 1.5 weeks after birth. LC told me to start pumping to get supply up, and take fenugreek.
Dr wanted to see us 2 days later. Baby still at same weight. Was told I had to start supplementing formula while I worked on my supply. So entered triple feeding, we used a bottle.
Next week still waste getting much milk when pumping. Maybe 10ml on my right and 30ml on left. Saw LC again. Told me to get my prolactin checked and keep trying to pump 8 times a day. This I found impossible btw.
Levels 37 for prolactin and told to get domperidone. Started that maybe 67 days ago? I'm getting more milk but never more than 2 oz total.
Had severely cracked nipples. Then thu started burning and itching, they looked pink and shiny. Google and LC told me it was a yeast infection. So then it was on to genitian violet on day 5 of that today

All this time and going through all of this stuff my baby WILL NOT stay awake to eat. Unless I am pretty full and let down the SECOND she is latched on she is out cold. No waking her up. And I should say the initial let down is maybe 1 min long if I'm lucky. My right side will pour out like crazy when she is latched on the left and its the left side that I never get much pumped out of.
I can't figure out how she falls asleep so fast. Really when it's not making me cry it makes me laugh because she will be screaming, I latch her on and within 1 SECOND she is asleep.
Skin to skin, changing her diaper, cool wash cloth, tickling her any where.......nothing.

Does anyone have any advice? God this got long. Sorry.
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