Pregnant after IF

*sigh* I'm now considered "high risk"

well I got the news today that I have Polyhydramnios. Which means I have excess fluid in my uterus. So I'm having to have a consult with an OB this week and we'll see where that goes. BUT it seems really likely that I'll have to have an early induction due to this. I'm a bit disappointed, but I'm working on coming to terms with a potential change to my ideal birthing plan.

Diagonsed PCOS
TTC since May 2009
First M/C December 2010 Second M/C August 2011
Oct 2011~Second round clomid 50 mg; BFN
Nov 2011~Third round clomid 50 mg: BFP
Dec 11- Beta #1 91;Dec 13- Beta #2 186.2
Dec 27- third miscarriage
May 25th- Beta #1 369;May 27th- Beta #2 798
Baby girl born Jan 23, 9lbs 3oz, 21 1/2" long
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