
cost of breastmilk?

I have a 5 month old that is a great breastfeeder. I have a friend that has a 1 month old that has struggled from day 1 to breastfeed. Thus, even with pumping she hardly produces any milk. Because I haven't pumped since mine was little, I am only able to pump 23 ounces per session. I have offered to share the pumped milk because I don't need it. She would like to compensate me for the milk and my time. Not knowing at all the cost of breastmilk, what do you think is a fair cost on a friend to friend basis? 1 per ounce, more, less?
Please no judgements on sharing milk. We are really good friends and I have lab tests that I could share on every tests every needed to prove the milk is clean. I have even offered. Plus, my diet is no dairy, nuts, eggs, or sugar! I am only trying to help a friend!
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