
BM stash?

How important is a stash? I have triplets. I make enough milk so that 90of their feeds are EBM. every other day or so I need to FF so I can catch up. I pump every 23 hours. I dont have anything unused to freeze. I'm going away for a weekend in feb. I will be away from the girls for around 30 hours. Is possible for me to build a stash somehow? I feel if I pump every hour there will be nothing there. I could also do two or three FF/day and freeze what I pump do my girls have SOME EBM while I'm gone. FWIW they do fine on the FF, I just like them to have as much BM as possible.

4/13/12--1st u/s. IDENTICAL TRIPLETS (?!?) PAIF and SAIF welcome Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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