August 2013 Moms

Dance party!

This is a little bit of a Dear Diary thread. This is your warning. Other than that, its a standard "OMG FIRST VISIT" post.




Just had our first OB appointment and I must say... HOLY CRAP! We got an ultrasound (didn't think they did them in office, but I was pleasantly wrong!). We watched the baby for a minute and that kid was tearin' it up! Flailing its arms all over the place, kickin' its legs around, twisting its body back and forth! The OB was impressed, she says she never sees baby that active this yearly (9w).

The downside of the visit: I'm gonna be a high risk pregnancy. My BP was high again (I check it myself several times a week and its usually excellent, must be the "white coat" phenomenon), so the doc ordered some extra Pre-E BW for baselines in case it becomes an issue later. My intracranial hypertension (pseudo tumor cerebrii for those keeping score at home) is gonna be a problem, possibly necessitating theraputic lumbar punctureS (note the plural)! Not to mention pre-existing medications I'm on. Sooooo... I'm back in 2 weeks for another BP check, possibly more blood work, and a referral to MFM.

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