Pregnant after IF

First u/s today! :)

Very happy to say that we have one baby with a healthy heartbeat, measuring at 7w1d!!  We got to hear the heartbeat briefly and it was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard!! :)  I've been released from my RE but he wants me to get into my OB soon since I am AMA.  I will really miss my RE's office - they were all such wonderful people to be around!

Anyway, here's our little blueberry :)


Me: 41 DH: 37 - AMA, DOR
BFP 2.12.2012, c/p 2.17.2012
IUIs 1-3 = BFFN :(
IVF #1 - Sept 2012 = BFFN :(
IVF #2 - Dec 2012 = BFP!! EDD 9/4/2013
Beta #1 = 107, Beta #2 = 4,650!! U/S 1/15/2013
Everyone welcome!
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