

I am a FTM and know I will be having a C-section in June, due to having corrective surgery for scoliosis. I am now beginning to have nightmares regarding the C-section and things that can go wrong. For BTDT moms who have had C-sections before, I am wondering if this is normal to get nightmares this early. I am only going to be 17 weeks along this week and cannot believe I am already having nightmares about a surgery that is months away. For other surgeries I have had, I have been completely knocked out and my DR is going to try for a spinal first, so they do not have to give me general anesthesia. I think this is what is freaking me out the most is that I will be away while they are working on me. If any of you have had a C-section was it as bad as your dreams/nightmares? Thank you for any peace of mind you can provide. Unfortunately, no one in my family nor friends have had a C-section, so I have no one else to ask. TIA
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