August 2013 Moms

two tips for those with extreme m/s or HG

I have had HG (hyperemesis gravidarum) since week 6 which has made me insanely sick and nauseated 24/7.  It made my ability to consume liquids very difficult.  I have spoken to a nutritionist through my OB and she gave me two tips that I wouldnt have thought of otherwise. Thought I would pass them along because they seem to help.

1. Plain water is very harsh on an upset stomach. She suggested that I drink ginger ale, gatorade, etc. or add lemons, limes, etc. to plain water.  I personally add a splash of simply lemonade to water and its a lot easier for my stomach to handle. It sounds crazy but plain water was actually making me feel worse and I didnt know.

2. Consume liquids (drinks, popsicles, jello, etc..) 15 minutes apart from any solids. Apparently its hard for an upset stomach to handle both at the same time. This has helped me a lot

 again, just some tips I thought I would pass along. Feel free to ignore.

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