
Jeleous toddler help!

I need help or suggestions please. I have a 2 year old DS and 6 week old DD. DS is very good and generally doesn't show jealousy or extra need for attention. Of course, until I go to BF DD when H isn't around. Then it's full blown melt down, crying fit, 'MAMA'!!! I've tried letting him sit by me on the couch, he wants to be in my lap. Sitting him down with a snack or activity, he wants something else or for me to do it with him. We will eventually have to introduce bottles when I go back to work, so I am thinking about trying to pump and bottle feed her so he can help since he has no problem with me pumping. Is this a bad idea? Does it mean j am just giving in? Are there any other suggestions out there? TIA!
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