August 2013 Moms


Hello everyone, this is my first post I been wanting to write this for some days now. I hope it will help others. I am 9 weeks pregnant and this is my second pregnancy. On Friday during my break I went home to rest as I was having a bad headache. I wanted to wee so I ran upstairs to toilet. My husband was having a bath so I had to wait. While I was waiting I felt like I wet myself so my first reaction was to go check it out but to my surprise I was bleeding so much red bright blood. I was so scared I called my husband I was bleeding so much my trousers was wet it was all the way down my legs. We called for an ambulance the only thought in my head was I has lost the baby. I could see the look on my husband's face and the lady that it was too much blood, while on our way to hospital I passed out. When we got there I was asked to go to the toilet to check it out with one of the nurse it was everywhere in my cloths I throw away the trousers and stocks and was given a dress to wear.
The doctor took my blood pressure but he was very surprise of the level of it. He was like with the amount of blood you have lost your body is coping very well with it. I was sent home to bed rest and lots of fluid and to come back if it gets worst.
I stop bleeding on Monday I had a scan to check for the baby before doing the scan I was seen by a nurse to prepare me to the worst but to our surprise baby was doing well and growing. The explanation was that there was too much blood rushing to baby and my Celvic was open it might be because I had a c section before as well so advice me to take it easy and no lifting. I am so grateful that baby was fine. I was so shocked but o well I hope no one goes throught this night mare
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