August 2013 Moms

Very tired, sad, feel alone.

I am about to hit 9 weeks, and I just don't understand why I am so sad. I live across the country from my family and no friends up here. So no one to really vent to. I feel like a terrible mother but this pregnancy so far has been miserable. I am always hungry but everything makes my stomach turn, so I eat very little. All I want to do is sleep , so in my opinion I have become very lazy . My apartment is messy, dishes are dirty, and running out of clean clothes. I am to exhausted to do them, I have never been the type to leave my daily chores undone. I don't leave the house I stay inside all day unless to take my dog on a walk.I'm tired of being tired and inside but when I decided today will be the day I will go do things l, I get depressed start crying and go to sleep. I haven't done my hair and makeup in weeks. I have always been the type to take pride and looking cleaned up and professional but now I don't care, my poor husband is very supportive but right now I just don't feel like being touched by him. I don't feel like myself, definitely don't feel attractive, and I'm just so unhappy. When I found out I was pregnant I was over the moon but now all I want is the pregancy to be over with and the baby out. I feel like a failure for not being happy right, and I feel alone cause I am the only who feels like this. Will I ever be happy again? I don't want to feel like this the whole pregnancy, I want the magical experience every expectant mother gets. Are they others who feel the same?
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