Pregnant after IF

I'm scared

DS was puking all last night and this morning. He's doing fine now. DH came home from work feeling queasy. I'm scared I'm next. Every time DS gets a stomach bug I get it too. There's really no point to this post other than me complaining that the next couple days could be rough. I hate puking. At least I have some Zofran still!
dx homozygous for 3 thrombophilias, poor egg quality, and most likely autoimmune problem. Anything I'm missing?
5 miscarriages, 1 exception DS born 4/10
TTC another miracle
3 failed cycles of clomid, 2 failed cycles of injectables, moving on to IVF 8/12
ER 8/20 22 eggs retrieved, 19 fertilized, 2 transferred, 9 frozen
Beta #1=302 Beta #2=700 Please be a sticky baby!
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