August 2013 Moms

Oh My Goodness!

So today we had our 8 week appointment. I knew that we were having an ultrasound to make sure the babies were still both there and had heartbeats. Well the nurse was doing the ultrasound and said Baby A has a heartbeat. Yea! Baby B has a heartbeat! Double Yea! and Baby C has a heartbeat as well! I then shout BABY C?!?!?! Andy I think stopped breathing. She goes well yes you are expecting Triplets. Congratulations. Baby C was hiding at the 1st ultrasound and now we saw her/him. I was still shocked and couldn't get over that we were having twins. Now Triplets just brings a whole new round of emotions! So I am 8 weeks with triplets. Crazy to read think and type. We haven't told anyone I am pregnant yet so I may have to tell sooner now! Hope you all have had a good Monday! Lauren
Lauren-Married to Andy since June 11th 2006
Parents to:Oliver Seth-4/7/07,Jillian Ivy-1/12/09, and Ari Samuel-6/27/11
December 24th 2012-It's Twins
January 14th 2013-Expecting TRIPLETS!! Due August 25th 2013!
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