3rd Trimester

DS is such a welcome distraction from my health issues right now/..

I am home from work as per doctor's order and a little nervous about what's to happen in the next two weeks.

I have to say, however, that I am SO thankful that I have this hilarious child of mine home with me!  He talks non-stop and says the funniest sh!t!!!  He just told me he loves to go see New Jersey Transberg (aka New Jersey Transit- my hubby takes him to NJ often to watch trains. This is their bonding time and they both enjoy it.  They spend HOURS watching trains go by!!!)

Before he was sitting on the toilet singing his own version of Frosty the Snowman with the words peepee thrown in at various points.  I was cracking up!!  (Think like Peepee the Peep Man... that's what he was singing!!!) 

Thank God for his distractions, otherwise I'd be sitting here having a nervous breakdown right now!!!!! 

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