3rd Trimester

ooooh MIL

My jaw hurts from grinding my teeth from dealing with MIL the past few hours. Don't get me wrong, my ILs mean well, she just knows what to say or do to make my skin crawl.

We had DDs bday party today and it was just a small gathering of some family. My Mom and dad and DHs parents, aunt, cousin and her 3 daughters. DHs grandmas are pretty elderly and have a hard time moving around, one doesn't even know who any of us are, but they brought them too.

DD is really shy around the little girl cousins bc they can be a bit smothering, but always opens up after time. So when they came she wanted to be left alone for a bit then eventually played very well with them. MIL said very loudly, Oh she's that way because she spends her time with Erika's side of the family and doesn't know us that well.

I just rolled my eyes and left the room. I hate when she makes those comments bc its not true. She sees my brothers kids as often as these girls on her side, they just happen to be more her size and age and likes them better. But MIL always makes this comment. Ugh

Later my mom makes a comment about how wonderful it is that DH still has grandparents to share these memories. I don't have any left, and its actually kind of sad for me now that I have my own family. My moms mom, my Noni, was my best friend. I spent a lot of time with her and even took care of her when she got ill. We were super close. She left me her rings, 6 different ones, when she passed but my mom always kept them since I never had a use for them when I was younger.

Well yesterday was my bday, my 30th, and my mom brought me a present today. She took me aside while everyone was mingling after cake and I opened it.... It was a big ring, my Noni's 6 rings remade into one. I loved it and it means a lot. My MIL asked what I got and I showed her. She then announces to the room that you know we should all cherish DHs grandmas being here bc its probably their last christmas and this is the last baby of the family they will live to see. I said I was happy they were there but felt really awkward. She then goes on and on about how they mostly have bad days and its so hard on her to take care of them and its so emotional.

A little later I thanked her for her card for my bday and the gift card she gave me. She also gave me money but I didn't want to say it in front of everyone. But she blurts out.... Well did you get the check?? I said yes and thank you. She then goes on for like 10 mins about how she never knows what to get me so she just gave me money. I felt sooooo awkward!

The party was ending and DD wanted to play with her new stuff. MIL took out a bag and made DD sit with her, inside the bag were these old toys she brings with her everywhere that were DHs when he was a baby. She sat there and insisted she and DD play with them. She even took out a little flash light and made a big deal about flashing it around. Every time she comes over she brings a bag of old toys and never plays with DDs stuff. Only the stuff she brings.

She must have asked 600 times how many times, and specifically what days if I knew, that DD could sleep over when the baby comes. Ummm I don't know! She's MY kid! Let me figure it out!

Sorry vent over. My patience is at a zero lately and she uses ALL of it!!
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