3rd Trimester

In a glass case of emotions!

So I'm a disaster today.   My husband lost his job just before Christmas due to organizational changes.  At the time I was upset but figured it would be ok.  He had lots of time to find something before baby arrives and we have some savings so I knew we'd be ok.  Cut to today.  I'm now 39 weeks and he still hasn't been able to find anything.  I'm starting to panic.  He spends every day looking and applying so it's not for lack of trying.  We still have enough savings to keep us comfortable for close to 2 months but I can't help but be scared.  I am starting to think that I might need to let him take the paternity leave and I go back to work so we can have enough income.  This idea had never really occurred to me so now it's hitting me that I might not get the year off I was expecting.  I will absolutely do what is best for our family, but I'm just d about it.  I can't stop crying and I know it's stressing my husband out because he hates to see me upset and feels bad enough as it is.  

 Im not really looking for anything from anyone I just needed to let me feelings out.  Thanks for letting me spill my guts! 

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