August 2013 Moms

Flying at 20 weeks?

No, I'm not at 20 weeks yet (obviously), but we just bought some tickets to a Broadway show in New York in conjunction with visiting my family for Passover in late March, about 20 weeks 3 days. It would mean a flight to and from NY from Raleigh, which is a short 1 hour 20 minute ride. I did fly that route at 6 weeks 3 days with minimal troubles (mostly morning sickness and round ligament pain) but those symptoms have largely subsided. I have a college friend who did a baby-moon to the Caribbean from NY at 20 weeks, but I'm curious to hear your travel experiences (second-time mommies or more) flying about halfway through the pregnancy. I'm not comfortable doing something that exotic, but NY is always easy for me. Thanks!
BabyFruit Ticker
Married the love of my life June 26, 2011
BFP December 1, 2012
Confirmed at the doctor December 3, 2012
Due August 7, 2013!
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