3rd Trimester

MIL not interested in new baby

So DD is due Feb 2 and it seems like MIL is not interested in her new granddaughter like, at all... she never asks about DD but always asks about DS, she was at DS's birth (well in the waiting room) but has shown no interest in coming to see DD even though she is retired now... MIL has actually stated they plan on going to their time share in Florida instead...  and may not even come down to visit until April or May even though they are of 3 hours away... 

I know she absolutely hates our FN choice which is different but legitimate (Ravenna)... she even went as far as saying we were white parents trying to be black... it's actually Italian... and that she will not learn to say it correctly and will call our DD by a name of her choosing when she does decide to grace us with her presence.... 

I just don't understand what is going on and even though DH hasn't said anything I think it bothers him that she isn't acting remotely interested... we are ignoring the name antics for now but do you think that is the reason she isn't visiting or asking about the baby? I could care less if she comes to the birth at this point because I don't want to deal with her negativity but what about DH? All she did before we got married was try to convince  him to break up with me because I originally wasn't interested in children and she wanted grand babies but now she shows no interest?

what the heck is going on? advice suggestions? how do I help DH?

ETA: how would you handle favoritism if that comes up once they are a little older? 

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