August 2013 Moms

Greetings August ladies

So, I thought since it finally seems to be getting through my thick skull that I am really really pregnant and haven't just taken (5) faulty HPTs, I might as well pull up a chair and get comfy here in the August board.

I found out New Year's Day that we're expecting and this past week I got to hear from my ob gyn and fancy new specialist how high risk I am. I just have surgery for cervical cancer in October, so I think my doctors would be pleased if I stayed in bed with my legs crossed until November. For now, I am still allowed out of the house to go to work. On the plus side, DH has decided any and all cleaning products (including dish soap) are pg kryptonite and thus he will assume all those tasks until delivery. Maybe I should tell him that I read somewhere BFing moms can't do that stuff either.

I'm due in late Aug, but I don't have one of those nifty ticker things because I've been told I should get it out of my head I will make that far.

So, hello. :-) 

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