
A couple concerns

Hi all- sorry if this is a rookie question and that I have not introduced myself.  I haven't been on the bump for quite awhile now.  My son will be 3 weeks old tomorrow, and I have a couple concerns regarding breastfeeding and pumping.

I have been breastfeeding my son, and am not concerned in that regard with my milk supply or his ability to latch and eat.  He gained 9oz between his 1 and 2 week check-ups.  He seems to be feeding well and is satisfied.  He will do 15-20 minutes on one side, and I will offer the other side if he seems to want more, where he'll do about 10 more minutes.  However- the last 3 days he's been fussy (he was so calm and mellow before!) and seems like he needs to eat every 1-2 hours all day long, whereas before it was more like 3 hours.  Growth spurt?

I've tried pumping several times over the last few weeks and just cannot seem to get anything out.  I'll get a few drips or so, barely enough to even cover the bottom layer of the bottle.  I know he gets more out of me from breastfeeding, and I do realize the baby is better than the pump when it comes to expressing the milk.  Will my body get 'better' at pumping?  For one, when I go back to work in March I will need to bring milk to daycare.  If I can't be successful at pumping I'm not going to be able to supply him at daycare.  I know March is a while away from now, but I want to start building some supply.  Also, my husband is getting really frustrated because he wants to be able to feed our son a bottle and help out more with feedings.  He keeps asking me if I've pumped and yada yada.  It's really discouraging me because I'm doing what I can and I really don't want to give up and switch to formula at any point.  And I feel like pumping is wasting milk right now because I can't even build up enough for 1 single bottle over the course of a day.

Any thoughts, insight, or info would be greatly appreciated.

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