August 2013 Moms

Official Worrywart!!

Ok. I am an official NUTCASE!!
First off, this pregnancy was really a struggle to obtain! It was our 3rd try of IVF, the first was an early miscarriage, second didnt catch at all. I've been through so much stress, financially and emotionally to FINALLY find out I'm pregnant with TWINS!!
Ok, so you'd think everything would be fine and dandy?? Nope!
Every day I am in constant fear of losing the babies. I have VERY little symptoms. No MS whatsoever. Only sore boobs and slight constipation. That's IT! I heard the last heartbeats at 7wks6days. I'm 9 weeks today. I have constant anxiety that I've lost the babies to missed miscarriage. I literally CAN'T wait till my next u/s in 2.5 weeks! I don't think I can make it that long without cracking!!
Am I crazy? I don't think I want to get a doppler because of the fear of freaking out more if I can't find heartbeats...
Am I the only one like this??? Can't sleep, sooo worried!!
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