
breastfeeding confusion

Does anyone else have no idea how their supply is doing? I keep hearing women talk about their supplies dropping from a cold/menstruation/etc., and sometimes saying that they need to supplement with formula because they just don't produce enough milk. But I honestly have no idea if I have a lot of milk or not. I exclusively breastfeed on demand, which is all over the place - sometimes 1 1/2 hours, sometimes 4 hours. My breasts have never felt significantly engorged, only mildly so when my milk came in and when LO started sleeping longer stretches at around 2 months, and then once again after a 3 month growth spurt. She's very happy and has a healthy diaper output, but we have recently stalled in weight gain. LO is 7 months. The public health nurse asked me if my breasts ever felt 'full'. I honestly said no, though I know I have milk because I've sprayed LO's face when she's pulled off a few times and I can feel my let down.

How the heck am I supposed to know if I have an adequate milk supply? I feel like such a fool when medical people ask me this because they expect me to know. Am I the only idiot out there who finds this extremely confusing? After 7 months, I feel like I should have a handle on this already!

Thanks in advance for humouring me. 

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