
Am I bad Mother because I am having hard time BF LO?


     A little info about me and LO.  He was born 4 weeks early and has not been able to latch on without causing me a lot of discomfort and sore nipples since day 1.  I meet with a LC and come to find out he is tongue tied.  We had that taken care of on Tuesday and I thought that would allow him to properly latch on (he hasn't latched on at all since getting tongue tied taken care of). 

In the meantime I find myself getting VERY frustrated because my milk supply seems to be getting low.  I pump between 6-8 times a day and only produce about 2 ounces from both breasts all day (my left breast isn't producing ANY milk).  I have been drinking the Mother's Milk Tea. 

I find myself in tears a lot because all I dreamed about was that I would BF my son to create that special bond between us and that has yet to happen.  I am wondering if I should just give up on BF and strictly FF since he is only getting 1 BM bottle every other day.  Any suggestions?  Desperate 1st time mommy needing some advice on what to do! 

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