
Hellllpppp! 7 week old tugging and pulling off

My seven week old daughter has been a champ at breastfeeding. But the last two weeks have been pretty weird. She normally nurses for 2030 minutes. Lately after 10 minutes or so she starts pulling on my nipple while twisting her head really fast. This hurts, pretty bad. I'll take her off, burp her and put her back on. A few times she has spit up a lot quantity, which is very unlike her. I can count the number of times she has spit up before this.

I'm on the verge of a meltdown and I don't know what to do.

Normalnurses for 2030 minutes only breaking the latch when I remove her to burp. Hardly ever spits up.

Recentlytugging/pulling on nipple after 10 minutes, then releasing latch after 1 or 2 suckles. Spitting up when above mentioned occurs.

Any and all advice welcome!
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