August 2013 Moms

NBR- need suggestions

So I was vacuuming my living room just now, and found a few puffs my DS2 must have dropped behind a chair earlier. Could not have been there longer than 8 hours- we didn't come down here until 11 this morning, and it was vacuumed last night as always. They were covered in ants. With a long trail of ants leading to and away from it. On my living room carpet. After a mini freak out iinvolving lots of shreiking, a call to DH at work, and teaching my 4 year old a few new explitives, I vacuumed up the offenders, but I know that's not all its going to take. Now I have a serious case of the willies. HALP ME!! How do you get rid of ants??? 
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