August 2013 Moms

STM and dog owners

I'm still in training mode with my pup 5 mo and figure I have enough time to work on the best car habits. I just started putting him in the way back of the SUV when we go for a car ride. But I'm thinking the stroller will be back there once LO arrives. So should I train him to be comfy in a harness on the back seat?

I can't have him on the back seat w/o a harness b/c he climbs into the front and tries to sit on my lap. Cute now but not when he'll be 85 lbs!

What do you do?
Lilypie Maternity tickers

BabyFruit Ticker

2011 BFP ended in miscarriage at 8w1d

"Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake."
-Henry David Thoreau

I am Bumping from my phone so please forgive typos, brevity and know that I can't see your siggys.
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