
BF items needed before returning to work?

I'm wondering exactly what needs to be in my bag to pump at work every day.  I currently have a Medela PISA (which I'm getting used to, pumping twice per day at this time).  I work full time, 7-3:30... currently planning to BF baby around 5 or 5:30am, and then pump at 8ish, 11ish, and 2ish.

I have 7 medela bottles (5oz), and some other 2.5oz storage bottles (maybe 6?).  I typically pump more than 2oz per breast, so I'm thinking that those won't work for pumping at work (I would overflow them or have to switch bottles halfway through).  I'm guessing 7 bottles (5oz) would be enough, since I would technically only need 6 to pump 3x per day?  If I wanted to get a few extra to have on hand (in case DH gets behind on dishes), are there other bottles that fit on the medela pump that are cheaper than medela bottles?  3 medela bottles at target cost $18 and that seems like a ridiculous price to pay just to pump into them (LO doesn't eat out of them).

Would you recommend having 3 sets of pump parts?  I do have access to a fridge, but I work in a hospital and often have to float to a different floor... I'm worried that I'll waste a lot of time going back and forth to put pump parts in the fridge.  If you use multiple pump parts during the day, do you find that they create a lot of extra bulk in your bag?  I'm planning to use the messenger bag with the PISA.  If I use one set of parts, I'm assuming I'll just need to make sure I always have a ziploc bag...

Also planning to make sure I have my hands free bra, a burp cloth or washcloth (to make sure I don't drip anything on myself), and a small snack for each session.  Anything else you keep in your pump bag?

Sorry so long, thanks for any suggestions!! 

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