August 2013 Moms

Advice needed...Maybe a little TMI?

So last saturday I had some bleeding, bright red and very scary.  I went to the ER and baby is fine with a 117 heart rate and they couldn't find any reason for the bleeding.  I have since had a doc appointment and they told me no sex until the bleeding stops.  It got less every day and finally stopped early yesterday morning.  The problem is, DH and I are usually VERY active, so I've been a little....pent up.

Anyway, DH is working today, and I'm still a little weary to have sex, so I decided to do it myself (outside only)...and wouldn't you know it, I'm bleeding again.  Not heavy, and not clotting, but bright/dark red and about the size of an egg on the tissue.

Should I be concerned and has this happened to anyone else? Again, sorry if TMI....

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