August 2013 Moms

baby's bday

So this will be our 3rd baby and also my 3rd c-sec.  I know my OB is going to schedule me for 1 week before baby's due date, which right now looks like August 18th.  That is our anniversary. Is it silly to not want my c-sec that day? I was going to try for a vbac w/ dd 2 but at 41 weeks had made no progress and after reading up on induction's and vbac I decided to go for the Rc-sec. I'm wondering if they'll let me go to 40 weeks even though they will not give me the iption of Vba2c
Dianna & Mike Proud parents of Angelina 12/07/06 & Gabriella 03/07/11 Belly bean #3 due August 2013 Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers BabyFruit Ticker
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