3rd Trimester

I need a little reassurance

I'm usually a lurker on several boards but I'm freaking myself out a little and wanted to see if you ladies could help! I'm 29.5 weeks pregnant with DD2. With DD1, my fluid was low at 37 weeks and breech so I had a CS, I never had BH or any kind of contractions with her so I have no clue what labor could be like. 
Yesterday, I was carrying my daughter outside an slipped on the carport, fell forward on the hood of my car and caught myself with my hand and part of my belly. I didn't hit really hard, but I was sore for a couple hours and my dr said he didn't think it was anything to worry about. The pain/soreness has gone away but I haven't felt her move much since, I'm having back pain like I'm about to get my period (I always have menstrual cramps in my back, not my stomach), I woke up this morning sick to my stomach and have diarrhea (sorry TMI lol). I know all of this could just be in my head because I'm a little paranoid but do I need to call my dr back and see what he thinks? I just drank a little bit of coke about 10 min ago and still haven't felt her. I felt a few kicks and jabs last night but usually she has a party in there throughout the night. Any advice or suggestions are very appreciated, TIA!
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