
Freezing BM

So I've been reading a few posts that have made me think I'm not freezing/defrosting BM correctly.  I pump in the morning after LO eats, and usually get 8-10 ounces.  I work FT, so I pump 2-3x/day 5 days per week (I call LO's DCP to figure out his feeding schedule and try to mimic it with pumping sessions so we're on the same schedule).  I don't pump at night since I just BF when LO is hungry.  So, I'm pumping 18-22 ounces per work day, and 18 ounces combined on the weekends = roughly 120 ounces per week.  LO only eats a maximum of 60 ounces per week if he eats 3 4-ounce bottles all 5 days of the work week, which rarely happens. 

I've been freezing milk every 2-3 days and every night DH defrosts 6 ounces to divide up between the three bottles, and then we add 2 ounces of fresh BM to each bottle so it's 1/2 frozen and 1/2 fresh.  Is this what I should be doing?  I've been reading that a lot of people only send frozen on Monday and use fresh for the rest of the week, but I have several hundred ounces of frozen BM...wouldn't it go bad before I'd get around to using it?

If you made it this far, thank you.  I know that was a lot of math and detail, but I want to make sure I'm doing this correctly so DS is getting as many benefits from BM as possible while still maintaining a pretty healthy frozen stash.  TIA!

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