August 2013 Moms

? for 2nd time moms

If your LO used a pacifier, when did you get rid of it? DD had one for sleeping until she was 15 months- at which point she started flipping out about it and wanted it 24/7 (I think that was when she was starting to get her first molar). Recently, she started tossing them out when we were out of the house, paci clip and all. As of tonight, there is only one left, and she doesn't like it b/c she bit a small hole in it, but she went to sleep with it anyhow. 

MIL scolded me a few weeks ago b/c we lost a paci at her house and I told her to toss it if she runs across it because it's time to phase them out anyhow. She said DD was too little to give them up (and a few other not-so-nice things about my parenting choices) What do you think? Is 18 months too little? Obviously I don't think it is, but I also don't want to be a big meanie.

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