
Almost to a year, but pedi is unsatisfied

I am over-the-moon excited that it looks like I will make it to 12months EBF with DS#2! His birthday is nine days from now, so I'm counting down! I asked DS's pedi at his last appt if I could switch to cow's milk at one, and her response was "why?"  She said there is no reason to stop BF-ing and that "we can talk at two" (said in a joking way). She mentioned that it isn't unreasonable simply to nurse in the morning and at night. I work full time, so I'd really like to stop pumping if possible. My question is, if I start only nursing morning and night with no pumping in between, won't my supply drop off? I don't mind nursing, it's the pumping that I hate! Just looking for opinions, thanks!
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