August 2013 Moms

Ultrasound today! Is it ok to tell people now??

Hey ladies, 

We had our first 'official' ultrasound today! I say official because I had one 2 weeks ago in the hospital when I had some bleeding..but this was always booked as our first one.

Little peanut is doing great! Heart beat is 167..growing well, and dating the same as it was 2 weeks. Due Aug.12! :)

The subchorionic hematoma is getting smaller too, she said its so small it will likely just absorb in no time, and as long as I keep following my doctors orders of taking it easy, it will likely be no issue.

 So with all that being said... even though I'm not even quite 10 weeks yet.. is it ok to tell the world now?! I know most people wait until 3 months, but that's because most ultrasounds are at the 12 week point right, and that's when you really know you're good to go. But since we had it and we know things are good.. are we ok to let it out?

What do you girls think? My hubby wants to post the ultrasound on FB immediately, lol. All of our close friends and family already know, but I'm dying for it to just be public knowledge already!!

What are you gals doing? 

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