
Intro and logistics questions

DD will be 6 weeks tomorrow and I've been exclusively breastfeeding since birth. At first, I was discouraged because of cracking and bleeding but was reassured after talking to a lactaction consultant with La Leche League and going to a meeting.

Now that we've been through a month, I'm thinking about what will happen when I go back to work (in a month or two). I pump once a day to build up a supply of milk for when DH and I want to go out or when I get back to work at first. Should I not be doing this?

I guess my question is about logistics. If I have someone, say DH, (try to) feed DD a bottle, should I still pump for that feeding? Also, should I be thinking about having a freezer supply for just in case? (I'm thinking about going on our first date post-baby, but I'm not sure how to do it. Should I just feed right before leaving and right when I get back? Should I take the pump along and pump during the date? That would be weird anyway.)

Another question is how to get DD used to bottles. The three times we've tried them, she didn't like them and maybe drank an ounce. I wasn't in the house the last time DH tried, and I had to hurry and meet them so I could feed her the rest. (It doesn't help that she's been getting fussier all the time, so feeding her in any way is hard!)

Any advice would be appreciated. 

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