August 2013 Moms

Anyone else starting to feel good again?

In the past couple days, my morning sickness has almost disappeared (I had been sick for almost 6 weeks), my skin has cleared up, I have more energy, and my food aversions are fading.  Not only can I think about vegetables, I can now eat them again!  My appetite in general is back with a vengeance.  I was so shocked by how quickly I started to feel better that I made an appointment with my OB just to make sure everything is ok with baby.  She found the heartbeat with the doppler for the first time AND the teeniest bump is becoming visible just over the top of my undies.  I am so happy and relieved.  I am 10 weeks and 6 days.  If you're still feeling gross, hang in there.  When it starts to clear up, it clears up FAST.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Anyone else experiencing something similar?
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