August 2013 Moms

NBR. I Quit Fb today.

Totally random and no reason to talk about it here. But I decided to quit Facebook. I've done it once before, for about 6 months and it sucked me back in last October when I started my life as a SAHM.

I quit this time because I felt like some of my relationships have been hurt by fb, not helped. I have some friends thAt don't call or email or heck, even text because they see updating their fb status as communication enough. Which I find a bit sad. So in 2013 I decided to focus more on the here and now, and less on my high
School lab partners I haven't seen in 18 years...

Some people use fb to share photos with distant family and i totally understand that respect anyone else's use of fb. I was never one to put many pics of DS up anyway, I email or GASP send via snail mail, photos to other relatives.

But even with all my good reasons, privacy, tired of stupid people's political/religious posts, bragging about their awesome life and status updates that have to so with how many loads of laundry one did...I'm missing it a little!

All the status updates I am missing! Ha. I need a Facebook patch to wean me off. Anybody live a Facebook free life? Do you feel disconnected?
August is our favorite month!
Married 8/6/2005. DS #1 Born 8/2/2011. Baby #2 8/13/2013!
Just missing the dreaded "2 under 2!"
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