August 2013 Moms

blood work vent

Backstory: 1 year ago I had blood work to get life insurance, and I had elevated liver enzymes. I underwent testing for my liver, along with several other symptoms that either never seemed to cause any concern when I brought them up to doctors in the past, or remained a mystery after testing (persistent rash, shortness of breath, migraines, joint pain, chronic pelvic pain, enlarged thyroid, recurrent pregnancy loss etc.). After seeing a Gastroenterologist, Allergy Dr, Rheumatoligist, Pulmanologist, neurologist, 2 obgyn, 2 urologist, 2 PCP and having, 40+ blood test, a liver biopsy, cystoscopy, multiple breathing tests, x-rays, u/s and MRIs, I still don't have a diagnosis.

I went on a gluten free diet, and my rash, joint pain, and migraines have gone away. My liver enzymes also decreased immediately, and my PCP told me that must have been the problem. Well, my midwife ordered the liver enzyme test yesterday, and it came back high :(

I just want to cry I feel like this crap is never going to end. Every specialist I see only wants to look at the small picture, and the PCP only refer me to specialists and give no input of their own. Now in addition to worrying about losing this pregnancy because of my history of losses (I've had 4 m/c), I'm worried about having liver problems with the pregnancy.

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