Pregnant after IF


So Clare and I hung out in L and D for a while today cuz that's just our style. She doesn't like her NSTs and knows when I have a free day ahead of me that needs to be filled. Anyhow, the only other patient up there was one of my former students and a former softball player for DH. She is quite young, but that's what IF gets you, everyone else seems to pass you at warp speed. I told DH the more awkward thing would be if we deliver at the same time. We are only a week apart based on my extensive eavesdropping! DH and I are very private at work, have to be with high schoolers. We get a lot of comments on how ppl wouldn't even know we were married, so to share such an intimate time would be way out of our comfort zone. DH would be a head case if he had to carry on a convo with her parents or something.

I guess no real point to this post, I'm just so bored!!
~ Me, 30 DH, 32 ~ TTC since Oct 2009 septum resection 3/2010 stage IV endo 8/2011 IVF #1 1/25/12, 2 transferred, 2 frozen - BFN FET 2/22/12, 2 transferred - BFN IVF#2 5/12, transferred 3, froze 5, BFP! Beta 1: 151, Beta 2: 282 Cerclage placed @ 17 weeks due to shortening cervix, modified bed rest until delivery SAIF/PAIF always welcome image It's a girl! ~ Clare was born 1/31/13
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