3rd Trimester

How long do you plan to labor at home?

Assuming you have no complications, no PROM, and no other reason to rush to the hospital, at what point in your labor do you plan to go to the hospital?

Like most others, my doctor says to call at 5-1-1. But, if the pain is still bearable and I'm reasonably comfortable with how things are going, I really want to labor at home longer than that. I figure I lose a lot of control over my comfort measures once I get there, and I will just be happier at home - up until the point that I'm having serious trouble coping and/or serious difficulty communicating with DH.

For us, the hospital is *so close*, less than two miles away. There is almost zero chance of traffic or other hold-ups on the way. Including our driveway, it's three right turns and we're there.

But... am I completely crazy to think I can labor at home until I just feel like it's time, even if that means staying home for hours after I first reach 5-1-1? Or is there a chance I won't ever know it's time, and then suddenly it's time to push NOW, not fifteen minutes from now, NOW? That seems super unlikely to me, but I guess I need some reassurance.

How did you decide when to go to the hospital? Is it reasonable to think I'll just know when it's time?

*** Of course all my planning assumes there are no known complications, no GBS, etc - if there was some medical reason, I'd go more promptly.

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