August 2013 Moms

Question and concerns

I had an ultrasound yesterday, and the ultrasound technician said the baby was measuring 8 weeks, 1 day (that was yesterday so today it would be 8 weeks 2 days).  Which means (if my math is correct) that I would have conceived on 11/28. I know we did not conceive on that date because my husband was out of town for work.  I was thinking that we actually conceived either on 11/23 or 11/24, which would mean I am closer to 9 weeks pregnant.  I'm just confused as to the discrepancy. Does anyone have any similar experiences or explanations?

And now for my concerns...  During the ultrasound, it was discovered that I have 2 fibroids.  I don't know the size, but she said something like they were pretty good sized.  I asked about issues with the baby (I know she wasn't a doctor), and she said possibly the only issues would arise with delivery.  I may need a c section depending on where they are and the size of them.  I don't want a c section, but would be ok with it if it is neccesary.  I'm more concerned with the pregnancy and the baby.  Does anyone here have fibroids?  Has anyone delivered a baby while having fibroids? 

Thanks in advance!  This is my first pregnancy so everything makes me worry!

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