Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Family Problems

I need some advice. I have twin boys who are 10 weeks on Sunday and just over 13 pounds each. They are pretty big, but strong boys. 

My father in law has had some major back issues and is currently on medicinal marijuana and is also on fentanyl. Because he has been on this medication so long he has a ver hard time standing, walking and has major tremors. He is also on such a strong dosage of fentanyl that he recently saw another doctor who said he is on such a high dosage that he could never come off because his body is so addicted to it.

 When my boys were born, my father in law came to the hospital and at one point he was walking around with one of the boys and because he is on so much medication he almost fell while holding one of my day old babies. Since then, my husband and I ask that he sit while holding onto our boys. Now his father refuses to talk to us or even hold the boys. I must also say, my father in law is a VERY arrogant man, and I am not going to lie, I do not get along with him at all. But I have always kept my feelings aside for my husbands sake. 

 My question is, are we being complete jerks by asking him to sit? Both my husband and I feel guilty, but I've seen people who aren't in pain and on such strong medication struggle while holding them. All we asked is that he sits while holding the boys. We really need some reassurance! I know I'm a paranoid first time mother, but I feel the safety of my children should come before anyone's pride? 

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