3rd Trimester

What's up with these movements?

So for the past few weeks without fail, baby kicks up a storm for a few hours at night including quite a few Braxton hicks. This afternoon he was quite active after I did some organizing around the house. I sat down to relax and could see and feel my stomach bouncing around. But tonight he hasnt been his active self. I've felt a few bumps but nothing crazy like before. Could he have switched his active and sleep times around today??

I asked my MW a few weeks ago about kick counts and she just said that as long as I feel movement everyday that it's fine. She said they don't normally ask ppl to do kick counts.

I'm not cramping, bleeding or in any pain. I feel fine just noticed baby isn't a active tonight but was this afternoon.
TTC since May 2012; BFP July 31st, 2012; EDD April 13th, 2013 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker Anniversary
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