August 2013 Moms

my little fighter!

Had a mini scare today and had to go to the emergency room. Lots of pressure in my head and bad nose bleeds and vomiting : felt like utter crap! like my head was going to explode! apparently all it was is allergies and sinus pressure? i thought it would be something more serious because of my medical history had a benign brain tumor in 8th grade. BUT good thing it had nothing to do with high blood pressure or anything and baby is perfectly fine! I am actually measuring 3 days further along than we thought putting me at 10 weeks and 4 days with a new due date of August 4th! My next appointment wasnt until next wednesday but we got to peek at littlefoot a week early! "He" looked like a little MMA fighter in there! twisting, punching and kicking, that is until the morphine knocked him out! haha still feel pretty crappy but happy my baby is okay :

Edit: agh I didn't know how so I just deleted it : lol thanks I hadn't thought of that!
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